We are very pleased to resume Childrens’ Faith Formation with the Bible in Life curriculum from David Cook. The curriculum is bible based and theologically sound and focused on real life application.

Our students will learn about the gospel with clarity , motivating them to apply the lessons to their lives wherever they are in their spiritual walk with Jesus.

Our classes are taught in an environment where parents and caregivers can freely observe.

Learn and Grow.

Children’s Formation, Sunday School



Children and adults meet together after the 9 am service in Ortmayer Hall (up the steps off E Court, elevator is off Atwood). Hear the great stories of our faith. The format we are using is called Godly Play. After the story, everyone will meet in similar age groups to respond to the story.

You can find out more about Godly Play here.

Children at Trinity.

Tips for Parents and Toddlers in Worship

At Trinity we welcome children as full participants in the Body of Christ and trust them with things and moments of great value during worship. We teach them that church is a place where they are safe and loved and they are a vital part of every moment of prayer, praise, joy, and sorrow and they too are sent out to be God’s people in the world.

from Aliya 1.jpg

Some parents delight in having their children worship with them in church. Others, particularly mothers, feel that the presence of their children at worship prevents them from fully entering into and appreciating the experience. The trend certainly is to have children worship with their parents. Out of our experience attending church with toddlers I offer the following thoughts.

  • Let your child draw or write during the service. Children eavesdrop while doodling and often hear more than we think they do. Sometimes their art is very profound and reflects the readings or something important to them. Ask permission to "turn it in." We love to feature their artwork!

  • Sit near the front so your child can see! It is easier to focus if we can see what is going on.

  • Help your child refocus when his/her attention wanders. "See what the reader/priest/deacon is doing/saying now?"

  • Help your child follow the service in the Prayer Book or Service Booklet. Help your child learn about the Prayer Book at home so he/she will be comfortable using it during Sunday worship.

  • Ask restless children to look around and draw what they see...

  • Ask your child to listen carefully to the Gospel (or another reading) so he/she can retell it or draw it (older children can rewrite the story using their own words.)

  • Ask your child which hymn he/she likes best. Let your child sit with another adult or family from time to time.

  • Help your child memorize the Lord's Prayer and the responses such as "And also with you."

  • Feel free to give your child a break by taking him/her out if you think it is necessary.

  • Quietly answer your child's questions during the service; it is less disruptive than "shushing."

  • Children learn from example--be a good role model.

  • Affirm your child's good behavior in church.