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Advent at Trinity is a season of quiet expectation, preparation, and wonderment at the glorious impossible, the birth of God into humanity’s midst. The color of the season is blue. The season of Advent is the four weeks, including the Sundays, prior to Christmas Day.

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Christmas at Trinity is a time of singing Christmas carols, light, joy, thanksgiving for the incarnation, the birth of God into humanity’s midst. The color of the season is white. Christmas begins with the services of Christmas Eve, and closes with the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6th. This is how we get the Twelve Days of Christmas.


Epiphany at Trinity begins with the celebration of the Epiphany, on the Sunday closest to the Day of Epiphany (January 6th). The season of The Sundays after the Epiphany concludes with the last Sunday before Ash Wednesday. On that Sunday, we always read the story of the Transfiguration. In your Bible that is Mark 9:2-9, or Luke 9:28-36, or Matthew 17:1-9. The color of this season is green.


Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and continues to the Fifth Sunday after that. Lent is a quiet season, filled with self reflection, recommitment, and even confession and repentance. The color of Lent is purple.

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Holy Week is the week that begins with Palm/Passion Sunday, which is the Sunday after the Fifth Sunday of Lent, and concludes on the Saturday preceding Easter Sunday.

Holy week is a journey with Jesus and the disciples through the last days of Jesus in his corporeal life.

Thursday- Foot washing and Holy Communion- The telling of the story of the night before Jesus died.

Good Friday- A time of mourning and storytelling from the people who walked the way with Jesus.

Stations of the Cross on Good Friday- A liturgical devotion commemorating the last day of Jesus’ life.

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The Sundays after Pentecost begin with Trinity’s patronal feast day, and continue all the way to Advent. This is the green and growing season, also known as Ordinary Time. The color of the season is green.