The Order of Daughters of the King.

Daughters of the King, or DOK, is an organization within Trinity church. The people who are part of DOK seek to serve and support the work of the church. Also to deepen their faith journey and walk with Jesus by exploring what that looks like together.

The Daughters of the King are known affectionately as “Joy Ninjas”, as they bring joy to all they visit.

Please contact the church to ask for more information about The Order of the Daughters of the King.

Ecumenical Julian retreat

Saturday, March 9th, 2024


 The Order of the Daughters of the King will be sponsoring an Ecumenical Julian retreat lead by Rev. Mary Jane Oakland on Saturday, March 19, 2024. It will be held in Ortmayer Hall at Trinity Episcopal Church in Janesville from 9 am to 4 pm. More details are coming soon!

Photos from Lenting with Joy