Life Events



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We celebrate new birth with Baptism. At Baptism the church takes the opportunity to reaffirm our own baptismal promises, and to promise on behalf of the one baptized that we will all raise the child in the beloved community of followers of Jesus. If you are an adult and have not been baptized, and you wish to be baptized we welcome you. There are some very special days for Baptism, the Easter Vigil (the service on the eve of Easter), the Day of Pentecost (the celebration of the beginnings of the church, usually in May or June), All Saints Sunday (the first Sunday in November), the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord (usually one of the first Sundays of the New Year). However, making arrangements for other Sundays is possible. Please contact the church to begin the process.


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Confirmation is an opportunity for a person of any age, young or older, to make the promises that their parents and godparents and the community of faith made on their behalf, their own. After conversation and faith formation, the bishop of the diocese will visit and confirm, reaffirm, and receive those already confirmed in other denominations, into the Episcopal church. A confirmation group forms as needed, and in advance of the bishop’s visit. We welcome all who seek Jesus, and there is no requirement besides a desire to follow Jesus, to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal church.


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Marriage in the church is an opportunity to publicly proclaim God’s presence in our relationships, and to receive God’s blessing. A marriage may be planned after the couple meet with the priest for conversation and formation. Please do not plan a date, and then talk to the priest, that date may not work out. Always plan on the conversation with the priest, and then setting the date. Trinity welcomes gay and straight couples. 

One of the things we do not talk much about is the dissolution of marriage. We all know it happens. We at Trinity acknowledge this reality and are willing to be a part of this difficult journey, and to help and support you through it. That might be by prayers in church, or a more formal acknowledgement of divorce. That is up to you.



Moving away from the community is also a reality in our lives. As you have been a part of the community of faith, it is important to send you off with prayers and love. And of course, we hope you will keep in touch and visit when back in the area.

End of Life

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The end of life is a hard one to talk about, and your church is an important part of it. Please contact the priest so that visits can be scheduled, and there can be anointing and prayers. At the time of death please inform your priest so that she can be with you in the difficult time. Always confer with the priest before scheduling a burial service, whether in the church, the funeral home, the gravesite, or any other place it is to be.

You can click on this document and begin making plans at any time. When you are finished, email it back to the office. Please find documents here.

It is our honor to assist families at the time of death, if you do not have a church home, please don’t hesitate to contact us.